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Project Solar
Complaints Policy and Procedure

Policy Statement

Project Solar UK is committed to providing excellent Customer Service. Whilst every effort is taken to provide excellent customer service, sometimes mistakes are made. If you have an issue with your experience, please raise this with us as we aim to resolve any concerns promptly and efficiently, we will also use the feedback to improve our existing procedures.

Our complaints procedure has been set up for people who feel dissatisfied with the service & experience they have received. It is also an assurance that we have a consistent approach to following up and responding to the complaints with a view to continuously improve our performance. Project Solar UK have a simple four step approach for ease of handling complaints. This policy will be reviewed monthly by the directors to ensure that necessary improvements to our service can be made, they are identified and more importantly acted upon.

The objective is to ensure complaints are dealt with promptly, efficiently, courteously and systematically. Customers are kept informed of the progress and resolution of their complaint.

How can complaints be made?

On receiving your complaint, we may send you a consumer document checklist which will detail the information we require in order to investigate your concerns.

How we handle complaints and what will happen next?

We have designated complaints officers who will ensure your complaint is registered, acknowledged and responded to in accordance with our complaints handling process below. We may request further information to enable us to investigate the concerns which you raised, please note should this information not be provided, we may be unable to fully investigate your concerns.

Stage 1

Upon receiving your complaint, this will be recorded on the system and allocated a reference number. You will receive acknowledgement of your complaint within 2 working days in writing, by email or both (as requested). When acknowledging your complaint, we may request information from you to be able to investigate your concerns, once the relevant information has been provided, we will fully investigate your concerns and provide a response within 7 working days.

If it has not been possible to resolve your concerns at stage 1, we may escalate your complaint to stage 2 of the complaints procedure when this is reviewed by a departmental manager. However, should no further information be provided your complaint many not be escalated and this will be our final response to the matter. A response to a Stage 1 response letter is required within 14 days.

Stage 2

If it has not been possible to resolve your complaint at stage one, the complaint will be reviewed by a departmental manager. You should expect to receive a full response within 7 working days, or a letter/email explaining any reason why further time is required to investigate your complaint and details of when you should expect a full response by.

Should you be unhappy with the outcome of your complaint you may appeal this by logging a request for an appeal

within 14 days of receiving your written response to your complaint. Once your request for an appeal has been logged, your complaint may be escalated to stage 3. You will receive a letter or email confirming the outcome of your appeal and whether this has been escalated to stage 3 of our complaints procedure. If no appeal has been logged within 14 days, we will consider the matter closed and will not uphold your complaint.

Stage 3

Should the complainant be unhappy with the way the complaint has been dealt with, the complaint will be reviewed by a senior manager who will liaise with the relevant departments to try and resolve the matter amicably. Should the senior manager feel the complaint does not require further investigation, you will be notified in writing that Project Solar UK have issued their final response to the matter. You will be provided with a response to your concerns in writing within 10 working days.

Stage 4

If at any time a dispute cannot be resolved amicably then both parties can refer the matter to an independent conciliation as a way of resolving the situation. We must agree to conciliation if that is your wish. The Conciliation Service used is that offered by Home Insulation & Energy Systems Contractors Scheme (HIES) and is described in their consumer code. It aims to reach a non-legal solution to the dispute in a reasonable timescale. (Please see full terms and conditions). For more information on HIES Alternative dispute resolution please visit­ we-do/alternative-dispute-resolution/#what-is-alternative-dispute-resolution-adr

See below contact details for HIES

Address: Centurion House, Leyland Business Park, Centurion Way, Farrington, Leyland, PR25 3GR
Tel: 0344 324 5242

If a financial is offered at any stage, the associated acceptance form must be signed and returned to us without delay. Any offer that has not been accepted will be automatically withdrawn after 6 months.

All customer complaints are treated in strictest confidence, fairly and comply with the Data Protection Act. We value our customers’ complaints and aim to resolve complaints quickly and amicably.